Why is it wrong?

What if we offered a face to face, calm, to talk about it? If he says,

- "I am lazy" , it is synonymous with a lack of motivation passenger. So we encourage him by proposing new learning methods like mind-mapping for example (creating a map or a diagram to visually memorize the information) ... Rather than monitoring his work, we team up: " if you were the teacher, would you explain to me how? "

- "I'm bored" , it's a drop of interest in the matter, so we play it frankly with the necklace: the school has its own laws, ok it's not always easy, but it's a obligatory passage. So it's not a question of giving up: it is proposed to be more actor during the course by taking more speech or making presentations.

- "It serves no purpose", alert lack of project, then it helps to give meaning to his work. In the short term, "this matter to you helps to have repartee / forge you a good logical mind / gives you a solid general knowledge ..." and also in the long term, some children from the 5th, need to have a goal: onisep.fr/découvrir les métiers, we can show them the videos "It will be me".

We stay Zen

Poking a big anger because of a bad note, is it really effective? So before looking at his newsletter, check his homework: one breathes. As Marie Gilbert, MD, in Education Science * notes: "Parents should not take up the discourse of the school but restore the bond with the child so that he can feel supported no matter what. To avoid reproaches is to give him the opportunity to take a fresh start. "

Realistic goals are set

It is better not to overload the mule and concentrate the efforts on 2 materials maxi: when the pressure is too big, it causes more blockings than positive results. It is therefore allowed to focus on the main subjects (French / math in college then maths / physics in Terminale S for example)


Ask for help from the student living next door? Why not, if he has a good training and has a good contact with the child. But will he be a good teacher? If there is doubt, it is better to call upon a recognized organization. Head-to-head or in group lessons, the teachers of these structures do not only supervise their duties. They establish a weekly program until the end of the year so that the key points are truly acquired.

* author of "I trust" (Ed.Eyrolles)