When our 16-year-old big dick grabs us by the neck in the street and we stick a big kiss on the cheek saying: "Super, eh, Môman, it's Christmas soon!", We crack. Whether they are 8 or 18 years old, it is for them that the fir is made ... What do they give us, except this feeling of love unique, absolute and immeasurable?
Okay, it's not always funny to grumble because they do not put their room in, they do not work enough, or to put limits on their constant requests for conso, outings, but they bring us as. In their early years, it is the awakening to life, minute by minute. Then, later, the experience of education , the period of discoveries, questions about everything. To keep in touch with them, you have to open up to a thousand interests , from surfing to slam! The more they mature, the more they assert themselves, the more they enrich us in humor, intelligence, discussions ...
It is our children who raise us, they say. Without knowing it, they improve us and teach us not to take ourselves too seriously, when, teenagers, their remarks, sometimes scathing, fly. Finally, one is not proud, over the years, to see them flourish, and begin to trace their way. By preventing us from growing old and becoming grumpy, they literally give us the life we gave them five, ten, or fifteen years ago.
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