How to boost your style without spending anything?
Published on 01/24/2025 12:32
A minimum of effort (and zero euros) for maximum effect.
Being stylish does not necessarily mean having the latest fashionable piece, but rather mastering the art of combining the finds that abound our closets.
Here are the tips to make the most of your wardrobe without breaking the bank.
1/10 Restraining his jacket
The infallible trick to upgrade an outfit: the belt . But beware, no question of putting it stupidly on pants. It is worn over a jacket, coat or even a mesh to subtly emphasize the size.
2/10 Wear one earring
No need to make tons: we put on the mono- earring to awake a look a little too wise.
3/10 forget his sneakers
If you categorically refuse to leave your uniform "jeans t-shirt", you simply swap your sneakers for a pair of mid-high pumps (comfort above all) to turn a casual outfit into something much more chic.
4/10 Transforming his dress coat
Do not limit yourself to just one use of a garment. Vary worn by donning your oversized coat or jacket as a dress. If the length is too short, catch up with the choice offlat shoes or high boots to cover more of the legs.
5/10 Multiply jackets
Why limit yourself to one jacket ? Play on the lengths by wearing afluid trench coat or a long woolen coat over a shorter jacket like a blazer.
6/10 Play overlay
Giving a second life to your little black dress or even your combination has never been easier.By adding an immaculate loose shirt or a simple white T-shirt, not only breaks the classic look, but it also allows you to wear your pieces beyond the summer season.
7/10 Recycle her summer dress
In winter, warm up your light dress with jeans, or a turtleneck for the most chilly.
8/10 Breaking codes
No need to deny it: at the bottom of your wardrobe is most certainly hidden a sequined item that you had bought for a New Year's Eve. As a result, you only wore it once. We bring out her sequined skirt or metallic top and play it down with a really casual piece like a rock t-shirt or boyfriend jeans .
9/10 Digging up the sir cupboards
To save money on shopping, do not hesitate to draw in the wardrobe of the gentleman to find the ideal room. Oversized jacket, bomber , or loose shirt: just use it.
10/10 Sticking Out classic
Can not go wrong with good basics . Some pieces like asailor,awell cut jeans or a trench will ensure a flawless every time.