Lavender, the tonic effect for all!
If lavender is best known for its diuretic qualities or the smoothness of its honey with the characteristic white color, few people know the range of culinary virtues offered by this generous purple flower shaped ears, so delicately scented ! For example, you who are always in a hurry and careful to preserve your health, do you know the benefits of a green salad sprinkled with fresh lavender? Harvested since Antiquity under the summer sun of the Mediterranean basin, lavender aspic, the most popular, is an excellent sedative against headaches or to relieve mild depression. Our grandmothers knew it: a good infusion of lavender in milk produces stimulating, tonic and purifying effects incomparable!

Lavender, a subtle fragrance to renew our desserts
Lavender goes perfectly with most of our desserts. If you are looking for original, simple and inexpensive pastries for your family, do you know, for example, the sweet and dark chocolate with lavender from Andalusia? Or, why not replace the traditional apple pie on Wednesday with this delicious lavender-flavored flan prepared as an infusion in vanilla milk? You appreciate the sweet acidity of summer apricots, but are running out of ideas on how to cook them? This recipe of lavender apricots, seared in a little olive oil and sprinkled with grilled almonds, should subtly surprise your taste buds ... Lavender is finally a sum of solutions to perfume desserts, creams with eggs and ice creams in any season!