1. Launched in Germany in 1926, only a few years after the creation of the Weleda organic and natural products brand, Arnica Massage Oil was launched in France in 1936.

2. It sells SIX BOTTLE EVERY MINUTE in France.

3. Arnica is found as an oil extract. The flowering tops of the plant, originating from the wild certified picking in Romania, are macerated in an organic vegetable oil, obtained by cold pressure.

4. In addition to the ARNICA EXTRACT, WHICH RELATES, organic oils of sunflower and olive nourish the skin and facilitate the application. The essential oils of lavender and rosemary reinforce the toning and relaxing effects of the massage.

5. UTILIZED BY KINESITHERAPISTS AND SPORTS high level, it optimizes preparation and recovery to muscular effort. Among the unconditional, Fanny Gorse, dancer at the Paris Opera, and Cleopatra Darleux, double vice-champion of the world of handball.

6. Its formula, with the Natrue organic cosmetic label, ensures at least 95% NATURAL INGREDIENTS and / or processed ingredients derived from controlled organic cultivation and / or wild harvesting. It can be used by the whole family, from the age of 6 years.

7. It MAINTAINS THE NATURAL HEAT OF THE ORGANIZATION, hence its success in the chilly.

8. Each July, 1,000 KG of dried Arnica FLOWERS is harvested in the Carpathians to produce the annual amount of oil required.

9. BEFORE EFFORT, Arnica Massage Oil rubs on the arms and legs with light movements to warm the skin and muscles.

10. AFTER SPORT, it massages through ample motions on the damp skin to relax, relax muscles and facilitate recovery. Massage Oil with Arnica de Weleda, 12,45 €.

In the same family

RELAXANTE Oils of arnica, chilli, meadowsweet, lavender, peppermint and rosemary relieve muscular tensions. Puressentiel Organic Muscle Massage Oil, 12 €. CALMANTE A formula with essential oil of gaultheria that attenuates the body aches and decrispe. Oil of Massage of the Sportsmen of Nature & Discoveries, 14,95 €.

COCOONING A cocktail of essential oils of noble laurel, juniper, gaultheria, sesame and St. John's wort. RevelEssence Sport Care Massage Oil, 12,45 €.