The use of plants can be therapeutic. Thanks to them, we return to more natural and respectful methods of our metabolism to heal and put drugs in the closet (when we can).

Fight against aerophagia thanks to the benefits of plants

  • dill

The habit does not make the monk: the delicacy of the plant is home to a powerful concentrate of active carminative and sedative virtues favoring the elimination of intestinal gas.

To enjoy without moderation in our plates or by drinking three cups a day of an infusion carried out with 40g of seeds

  • Green anise

It is the ally of flat stomachs.

It neutralizes the intestinal fermentation at the origin of flatulence, it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and it boosts the gall bladder. In the end, a digestion zero defect. Before the meal, one chews 1/2 c. anise, which is then swallowed.

You can opt for a cup of infusion prepared with 20 g of seeds morning, noon and evening or concoct a digestive drink in a shot glass after meals. For this, 50 g of seeds ground in 1L of brandy are macerated for one month. Filter and add 300g sugar and 1/2 cinnamon stick.

bhofack2 / iStock

  • The gin

Two options: copiously in our plate or in berry cure, with four berry berries on the first day, five on the second day ... and increasing the dose of an extra berry a day for twelve days.

  • Tarragon

We consume it generously in our dishes or we prepare an infusion with 30g of leaves, to drink after each meal. In liquor to be drunk after meals, 50g of fresh tarragon are allowed to macerate in 1L of brandy for one month. Filter and sweeten with 250g of honey.

Fight against fatigue

  • Laurel

True dopant of the immune system, it requinque the defenses of the body.

It is used spa version, allowing macerate for two days 80g of berries and leaves in 1L of cold water, which is filtered and poured into the bath hot water. Stimulant assets enter the body through dilated pores.

You can also drink three cups of infusion a day, prepared with 20g of dried flowers.

  • Thyme

Another invigorating bath made from a decoction of 40g of thyme.

  • Parsley

Remineralizing "first class", we do not hesitate to "persillate" in all sauces!

Another advantage of the branch: it is very rich in iron and stuffed with vitamin C (3 tablespoons chopped parsley provide 20mg).

To consume without moderation.

  • The paprika

Ideal if the fatigue is double stress. Hyper concentrated vitamin C, even powder, we take advantage of slack and / or stress.

Plants, allied with heavy legs and spider veins

  • Parsley

Diuretic and draining thanks to its high potassium content, it flushes water trapped in tissues and eliminates accumulated toxins. We prepare four cups a day at a distance from the meals, an infusion (15 min) of 20g of parsley.

Savany / iStock

  • The gin

Decongestant lymphatic and venous, it stimulates the blood circulation and begins the resorption of edema retaining water. Macerate for two days 40g of crushed berries in 1L of red wine, filter and drink a small shot glass in the morning.

  • Rosemary

We prepare a decoction with 40g of plants to make a natural footbath and scented with scents of Provence.

  • The Basilic

Sedative and soothing, enjoy it in abundance or infuse 25g of fresh basil in 1/2 l of boiling water for 10 min. Drink a cold cup at night.

Plants to improve digestion

  • The Basilic

The essences of eugenol and tarragon, the saponin and the tannins it spreads relieve the work of the stomach and facilitate digestion. Before meals, let yourself be tempted by an infusion made with 20g of leaves.

dla4 / iStock

  • Coriander

It alleviates the heaviness of stomach and is indicated after the copious meals. To be favored after each gap, by drinking an infusion prepared with 40g of dried seeds.

  • Turmeric

Excellent anti-inflammatory, it acts by inhibiting the action of the cells responsible for inflammation and all the better prevents recurrences it promotes the production of gastric mucus. This mucus lines the lining of the viscera, soothes the irritation and restarts the lazy transit. To be consumed in powder, fresh, in root (on sale in herbalist shops and dietary shops), or in capsules, one before each meal.

  • Rosemary

Its camphor and cineol make it a relaxant, an antispasmodic and a softener for bruised intestines. We infuse 50g of dried plant and drink one cup after meals.

Protect your heart

  • garlic

Rich in sulfur, especially thanks to the alliine - to which it owes its taste and smell - garlic reduces the risk of clots forming in the vessels by thinning the blood and limiting the aggregation of platelets. It strengthens, moreover, the veins and improves the elasticity.

3g of garlic swallowed a day, a pod, would be enough to lower by 20% cholesterol, including the bad, LDL. We immediately fall for stuffed mushrooms, snails, mussels and other ratatouille or we drink a mouthful of decoction three times a day. For this, 20g of garlic is boiled for 30 min of garlic in the equivalent of a glass of water, then 20g of sugar (or aspartame) is added thereto.

To prevent a broken breath, chew a sprig of parsley or a coffee bean, seeds of anise or coriander.

  • The caper

The flavonoids concentrated in the flower bud invigorate the walls of the blood capillaries. Be careful, however, to keep an eye on the dose, since the caper excites the appetite!

Avoid big colds

  • garlic

Decongesting mucous membranes and bactericidal, garlic is the perfect food to overcome a bad cold. We choose the winning duo: chicken broth with a crushed garlic clove and 1 tbsp. of cider vinegar. Several times a day, sliced ​​garlic is inhaled so deeply.

An excellent antibiotic, it would be able to eradicate the very tough Gram , Escherichia coli and salmonella bacteria.

We have the choice: we prefer to chew a clove of garlic nature five times a day and or richly enrich its menus.

  • The gin

Against any resistant nose to be unblocked, 60 g of crushed berries are thrown in 1 liter of boiling water, and the mixture is inhaled for 10 minutes three times a day.

  • Thyme

Menthol, thymol and linalool: an antiseptic trio that moderates nasal secretions. At a distance from the meals, we drink three times a day an infusion of 40g of plant.

  • Clove

In gargle, it's a disinfectant: prepare an infusion with a small handful of nails.

in.focus / iStock

Be careful, herbal medicine does not replace traditional medicine. If in doubt, consult your doctor.