The reindeer: a light meat

A little unusual outside of its natural habitats, the reindeer is nevertheless a favorite meat during a low-calorie diet for its low calorie content: with 155 calories per 100 grams (when it is roasted without adding fat), the meat of Reindeer is a lightened delicacy that offers a very original smoke and wild flavor. It is known as a low-fat meat: the latter are mainly represented by unsaturated fatty acids, which are excellent for bringing a quantity of "good" cholesterol while decreasing the rate of "bad" cholesterol. A diet rich in animal protein from lean red meat has a real impact on reducing the risk of developing various cancers, especially colorectal cancer and coronary heart disease.

A concentrate of zinc and selenium antioxidant in the reindeer

Present in large quantities in game meat in general and in the reindeer in particular, zinc and selenium are mineral salts essential to the proper functioning of the body. Zinc is essential for the protection of the immune system and plays a role in the healing of wounds. Selenium is involved in the bioavailability of enzymes that are particularly active in the fight against free radicals responsible for the development of various conditions such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases and tissue aging. Like all red meat, reindeer is an excellent source of phosphorus and iron that act together on strengthening and creating new cells. Including reindeer meat in its diet helps to fill various deficiencies in different diets.