Most women wait for their man to decide for himself, knee down and utter the four fateful words: "Will you marry me?" I did not want to wait, or at least not too long.
Of course, like all the couples who have lived together for a while, the thorny question of marriage had already arisen, and more precisely, the question of marriage. You know this moment that we all once a little (too) idealized or on the contrary imagined under all possible scenarios. We agreed on the fact that the jump not a day when we have time and especially money for the fund, but the why and how of demand remained subject to countless discussions .... and interminable laughter.
Rather end-to-train than clam frog, Laurent had a tendency to turn this fantasy into derision and imagine 1001 ridiculous ways to offer me to marry him, as do many men ultimately by modesty or shyness. I, on the contrary, supported him, not without humor, that I expected a very romantic request, in the rules of art but especially not in public.
But on another occasion I threw him, as a final provocation, but without any real premeditation, that it was perhaps I who would address this famous request to him. Inevitably, he laughed, convinced that as in 80 % of cases, it would be he, the strong man and man, who would make his proposal. Then, the idea of taking things in hand began to trot me in my head: why not me, after all?
Quickly, I have concocted a plan. Summary certainly, hands a plan all the same: I went to surprise Laurent and ask for it in marriage. For real. I then ask a friend to give me a large white linen on which I write in capital letters, not without laughing: " I want it, if you want, marry me ! Married or hanged in the year! ".
There was no question of taking this moment too seriously: it was always amusing, there was no question of stopping. And then I did not want to do like everyone else, at a candlelight dinner or a romantic weekend. The idea of the sheet was explicit and full of second degree.
So I wait for a day when her schedule allows her to return earlier from work and with the complicity of a friend, I install the sheet on the front of our house so that it falls on it, by day, when he returns, after recovering the children at school. Obviously, nothing happened as expected.
Delayed at the office, he asks me at the last minute to take care of the exit of school and law of M urphy oblige, the time that I make the round-trip ... it had returned. As I had anticipated, he was not only laughing in front of the house but also completely surprised. He had never thought that I could take such an initiative! I think he realized at the time that I was a little sulky ... (laughs) . For it was without counting the neighbors who had taken advantage of the spectacle, persuaded that it was a surprise of my man ... and not the other way around.
Obviously, he said yes. I say " obviously " because yes, it was a certainty that we will get married. He would have been disconcerted by my approach, I would have simply taken my trouble in patience and he decided to make me his request.
But fortunately, I did not have to wait and we spent the next 12 months preparing the best day of our lives. It's been seven years now, and this beautiful memory continues to make us laugh, even after all this time.