What does it consist on ?
Foods to consume
Foods to banish
The plus of the Atkins diet
The least of the Atkins diet
Duration and effectiveness

What does it consist on ?

Dr. Atkins developed a theory that carbohydrates should be discarded from the diet because they cause excess sugar in the blood, which is responsible for storing fat . Once the carbohydrates are removed , the proteins and lipids are consumed at will .
And the promise: see volatilize all our extra pounds !

Foods to consume

In the Atkins diet, we distinguish the food allowed at will, and allowed but with moderation.

Food to eat at will :
All products rich in proteins such as meat, fish, eggs, butter, margarine, oil, salad, vegetables low in carbohydrates ...

Foods to consume with moderation :
All vegetables (except carrots, beets, corn and potatoes), firm cheeses (up to 110g per day), spices and herbs, as well as teas, coffees and water.

Foods to banish

Alcohol, all starchy foods, fruits, sugar and sweets, sugary and carbonated drinks, frozen desserts, cold meats and sausages, milk, lightened cheeses ...

The plus of the Atkins diet

- The basic principles of the Atkins diet are very easy to understand , and the rules are relatively simple to follow since there is no count of calories,
- No feeling of frustration or feeling hungry thanks to the proteins consumed at will during the diet,
- Weight loss is fast with an average of 2 to 4 kg less in the first week.

The least of the Atkins diet

- As we have seen, carbohydrates are removed from the diet. Our body will therefore seek all the energy it needs in the fat (hence the weight loss), but also in the muscles , which inevitably leads to a feeling of physical fatigue .

- The absence of fruit and vegetable consumption creates a very high risk of deficiencies .

- Very important intake of fat is not recommended by nutritionists because of cardiovascular risks (infarction among others), and the high consumption of lipids causes an increase in cholesterol ...

- Finally, the lost pounds reappear quickly when the diet stops!

With all the disadvantages we have just mentioned, the Atkins diet is strongly discouraged . If you still want to test it, we recommend that you seek advice from your doctor or a nutritionist .

Duration and effectiveness

Because of the risks of deficiencies that we have noted, it is recommended not to follow this diet more than 10 to 15 days .
Of course, the weight loss will be very important but the health problems will also be there!