Flaxseeds are harvested from a crop grown mainly in temperate and tropical climates. To extract the oil, a cold or hot pressure process is used. Its balanced composition places it well above the others.

Flaxseed oil is particularly rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential for the body, which can not manufacture them. In particular, they play a role in cell renewal. Our current lifestyle leads us to excessive omega-6 consumption compared to omega-3s. Linseed oil counteracts this imbalance. It also contains lignans, fibers and many vitamins: A, E, B or K.


By looking at the composition of your shampoos or shower gels, you will sometimes notice the presence of linseed oil. This use is not trivial. Indeed, this oil is known for its many benefits on the skin. The macromolecules it contains help retain water in the epidermis. It thus considerably improves its hydration and elasticity. The omega-3 fatty acids it contains also protect the skin from aging.

Adding linseed oil to your face creams and masks is a good way to add extra softness. After its application, the sensation on the skin is without appeal: no more tightness and other discomforts. Do not be impressed by its oily appearance: linseed oil is also very interesting for oily skin and prone to acne . It is indeed recognized for its rebalancing effect.

But linseed oil will also be very popular with your hair. The mucilages that integrate its composition have the particularity of wrapping the hair, giving them more material. Linseed oil is especially a valuable ally for fine hair .


Linseed oil can be easily integrated into your beauty routine. In case of acne, you can use it pure, on the affected areas.

For a regenerating and softening anti-aging mask, combine it with jojoba oil and a few drops of carrot essential oil. Let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes and watch the result. Associated with other adapted assets, it can also relieve dermatological problems like eczema.

To make an effective and completely natural hair mask , mix linseed oil with a teaspoon of honey and some aloe vera or shea butter. You will get a nourishing and moisturizing care, perfect to sublimate your hair and fight against drought. To enjoy all the benefits of its components, let this mixture for at least an hour. Then proceed to your shampoo, as usual. To prevent pitchforks, you can also apply pure linseed oil directly to your spikes.

Be careful though, linseed oil easily oxidizes and should preferably be kept cool.