For whom exactly is the Slim-Data diet?

Aimed at all those who seek a certain lifestyle, and a healthy and varied diet.

The basics of this Slim-Data diet:

The Slim-Data method was developed by the neurobiology doctor Yann Rougier, based on the very simple principle that each food has a Slim-Data, in other words a slimming index, to determine its storage strength in the body. Depending on this index, foods will be able to combine to avoid foods whose storage strength is too high. Foods are classified into three areas of color:

- Green Zone : they are foods with weak storage strength, therefore foods can be consumed at will. It includes vegetables, cereals ...

- Zone Orange : the food has an average storage strength, and must be consumed moderately. Among other things, there are cereals and some fruits.

- Red Zone : Foods in the red zone have a high storage strength, and should therefore be avoided or at least avoided. There are sweet and high calorie foods like chips or other pizzas, and sweet foods.

The Slim-Data diet is realized in three phases:

1: A 21-day duration devoted to weight loss. With each meal, the association is done as follows: 3 choices of the green zone or two choices of the green zone a choice of the orange zone.
2: 21 days to stabilize his weight. At each meal, a choice of the green zone orange zone food choices. Twice a week, a choice of the green zone a food from the orange zone one from the red zone are allowed.
3: In the longer term, the third phase allows you to not gain weight and have a healthy diet to stay in shape. All associations are possible with the exception of three choices in the red zone, or two choices in the orange zone a choice in the red zone.

The most of Slim-Data diet:
This diet is a good way to eat well. Easy and effective, the Slim-Data method allows a wide variety of foods for the most greedy, without much deprivation.

The least of Slim-Data diet:
Like many diets, Slim-Data requires rigor and determination.

Warning !
The lower the Slim Data Index, the better.

I want to know more :
"Do you want to lose weight with me ?: The Slim-Data method", Yann Rougier, Albin Michel.

See also: The Slim Data Diet in details