Created by nutrition expert and Instagrammer extraordinaire Lauren Mazin, it is the perfect way to get your body the nutrients it needs. 

⅔ cup frozen pineapple

½ cup cauliflower, cooked and frozen

2 teaspoons Bioglan Superfoods Maca Powder

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

½ medium courgette, chopped and frozen

1 frozen banana, chopped

2 handfuls frozen spinach

2 teaspoons Bioglan Superfoods Tropical Spirulina Powder

Fresh blueberries

Create a yellow mixture by combining the pineapple, cauliflower, Maca Powder and half the almond milk in a blender. Pour into a cup and set aside in the freezer.

Next, create a green layer by blending the courgette, banana, spinach, and Spirulina Powder together.

Get another cup and pour in alternating layers of the green and yellow mixtures.

Top with blueberries.