Cellulite (or cellulite ) is related to the presence and size of fat cells (the famous fat cells) housed under the skin, in certain areas of the woman's body (including the thighs, buttocks and hips). The adipocytes have the particularity of swelling and hypertrophy, which gives the areas concerned this unsightly orange peel appearance.

The appearance and aggravation of cellulite is a vicious circle:
- by increasing the volume, the adipocytes crush the blood vessels and prevent the elimination of toxins,
- the more greasy under the skin and water retention, the more its appearance will be aggravated.

What are the different forms of cellulite?

There are 4 forms of cellulite:
- Infiltrated cellulitis, related to water retention and often due to venous insufficiency or hormonal problems.
- Adipose cellulite, which is a consequence of a diet too rich in fat. If you eat more than you spend, then the energy turns into fat and lodges fatally in the body.
- Fibrous cellulite, the result of a breakdown of the collagen that surrounds the fat cells and binds them under the skin. In this case, the appearance "orange peel" is seen without even pinching the skin between the fingers. But above all, this cellulite is painful.
- Aqueous cellulitis , often diffuse, also linked to the retention of water and the poor circulation of blood. This usually affects even thin women.

When and how does cellulite appear?

3 main factors favor its appearance:
- Age: with the years, the skin becomes fragile and the production of collagen decreases, which is likely to give way to cellulite.
- Hormones : they play a key role in the appearance of orange peel. Variations in their rates (adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.) lead to more or less significant consequences and damage to the skin and can promote the appearance of cellulite.
- The diet : the more it will be unbalanced , the risk of weight gain is important. By magnifying cellulite is more visible .

How to prevent the appearance of cellulite?

The rules are obviously that of a diet and a healthy lifestyle:
- Regular sports activities help reduce body fat . So why not go jogging or swimming to keep the line and avoid weight variations that could be seen on the silhouette. Once a week is a good start.
- Focus on a light and balanced diet . Ideally, focus on fruits and vegetables, white meats and legumes. Between meals, eliminate with draining drinks.
- Massage and mend orange peel and fat cells with anti-cellulite creams to prevent fat storage.

Adipose cellulite, aqueous, fibrous and infiltrated, discover our special file: With each type of cellulite its regime