In 2006, continuing the work of Rudolf Steiner (founder, in 1921, of the Weleda laboratories), the research and development of the brand, under the leadership of Leo Zängerle, is interested in pomegranate oil, regenerative properties outstanding and powerful antioxidant power. With her team, they decide to create a range for mature skin based on this precious elixir. Oil, a historic formula in Weleda, is a must and is born three years later.


Mixing natural vegetable oils first cold pressing, without paraben or silicones, the Pomegranate Regenerating Oil therefore contains organic pomegranate seed oil, rich in punicic acid - a regenerating active ingredient - macadamia nut oil, the composition of which is close to that of the sebum of the skin . Added wheat germ oil, rich in vitamin E, and millet seed extract, antioxidant. All these ingredients work synergistically to nourish the skin, firm it and help it fight against aging . To make it even more suave, the laboratories have perfumed it with warm and fruity notes.


The Pomegranate Regenerating Oil is applied after the bath or shower, on wet body, and can also be used in massage . It is also recommended for bust and décolleté, very exposed to UV rays and aging.


All women from age 40, but also skin subjected to aggressions such as tobacco , UV or pollution.

Regenerating Oil in Grenada from Weleda, 23,30 €.


CONCENTRATE Organic Oil of Pomegranate of Oils & Sens, 9,60 € . A very rich pure oil, to be used at night to revitalize the skin. It can also be mixed with other oils (argan, macadomia, etc.).

TOUCHER DRY Dry Oil Anti-Oxidizing Grenade of Natessance, 11,10 € . Light and non-greasy, this oil satins the skin and forms an excellent antioxidant shield to protect against the harmful effects of stress and pollution.

SPECIAL FACE Nourishing Oil in Grenada by John Masters Organics, 39 € . This cocktail of fourteen oils restores the devitalized dry skin and pampered the mature skins.