Aesthetic medicine of the neckline: how to "detach" it?

Excess sun, protection index too low (choose the same index as for the face, never below 15) ... The pigmentary spots are just waiting to multiply. Three solutions to choose to resorb, avoiding scrubbing and other untimely soaping until complete healing.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline: how to "detach" it? With liquid nitrogen. This method is proven and remains valid if you have some sparse spots. In one sitting, the problem is usually solved. Otherwise, a second session will end three weeks after the first.
During the session, the specialist burns the spots superficially, one by one. It is a little unpleasant, but brief and therefore bearable. Provide a crew neck T-shirt or scarf to get in.

Aesthetic medicine, and after? About ten days are necessary to heal. On the menu: small crusts, then pink spots as soon as they fall.

Result: two weeks later, the skin is nickel. To protect absolutely with a high index (20 minimum), even in town.

Price: from 60 euros per session.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline : the Alexandrite laser. Last generation, it precisely targets the melanin clusters, to destroy them immediately with a beam shot. Allow one or two sessions depending on the case, for well-defined spots, and three sessions for brown and irregular plates. Wait about three weeks between each treatment. Warning: intervention impossible on tanned skin.
During the session, the specialist shots grouped on the spots and sweeps its beam on the more diffuse areas. It "pecks" and it heats hard, but very fleetingly.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : and after? Localized redness and crusts for a week. Pink skin on pigmentary irregularities for a few days.

Result: a flawless skin two weeks after the last session, to imperatively put under high protection.
Price: from 120 euros the session.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : the Q Switched laser. It pulverizes, in a single session, the melanin which has accumulated in an anarchic way. Formal banning of sun six weeks before D-Day. During the session, the specialist aims each spot precisely. Very localized stinging sensation of nettle, which disappears quickly with the application of a soothing cream.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : and after? Immediate redness, then dry crusts that disappear after a week.

Result: a superb skin ten days later. At the risk of immediate recurrence, prohibition again to expose oneself to the sun, even protected by a high index, for six weeks after the session.

Price: from 150 euros.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline: how to tone it?

The skin loosening of the neckline is quite common, because at this point, the epidermis is poor in sebaceous glands, hence the benefit of using a specific treatment or applying cream to the end of the nipples. Four options to choose from to give him some pep.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline , mesotherapy , which deeply hydrates and firms the skin. During the session, with a needle of extreme finesse, the specialist injects throughout the area a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins and possibly trace elements. Multiple feelings of tingling very bearable and fugitive.

And after ? In some cases, we can have a multitude of tiny red dots that fade an hour later.

Result: this technique gives a fresh blow to the skin, but these results are quite ephemeral. They last about two weeks the first time. For long-term effectiveness, follow three or four sessions three weeks apart, then one every two to three months, depending on the case.

Price: from 150 euros the session.

Aesthetic medicine of the cleavage , the botulinum toxin: injected with a watchmaker's precision by an expert, it allows to tighten the skin and to smooth it out.
During the session, the specialist superficially introduces a triangle into the skin muscles to relax the entire area of ​​the neckline. Without being nice, it's not really painful.

And after ? We have small "whitish bubbles" for half an hour, then white spots for another two hours.

Result: three days later, the skin is significantly more tense, small wrinkles are gone and breasts are slightly raised. To be renewed three times a year for a long lasting result.

Price: from 200 euros.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline , the Polaris flash lamp. It combines laser and magnetic energy to heat the epidermis and stimulate collagen production.

During the session, the specialist sweeps from his lamp the area to be treated until the skin turns pink. To prevent the sensation "shot elastic", an anesthetic cream was applied half an hour before.

And after? If, at first, the skin regains its usual appearance, it is intense pink the next day, but only for two days.

Result: over the course of the sessions, the quality of the skin improves significantly. The skin becomes more toned and the fine lines fade. Schedule four sessions three weeks apart, followed by one every three months.
Price: from 250 euros the session.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline , the laser:
Yag last generation. The Rolls of photo-rejuvenating lasers: by heating the hypoderm at around 47 ° C, it stimulates and stimulates the production of collagen, redensifies and smooths the skin. It also erases small spider veins that may appear on the shoulders or at the bra attachment.
During the session, the specialist passes several times his beam insisting where it is needed. It heats up like the rays of the sun at the zenith, but without burning.

And after? The skin remains pink for half an hour, then regains its normal appearance.

Result: little by little, the skin is younger and toned, especially between the breasts. Allow six to eight sessions spaced a month, then remake one every two months, maintenance.

Price: from 150 euros the session.

Cosmetic medicine of the cleavage: how to erase this wrinkle?

Sleeping in rifle dogs slowly digs the groove between the breasts. No need to wait for it to be installed to fill it.

Cosmetic medicine of the cleavage : how to erase a wrinkle? During the session , the specialist fills the small point wrinkle with reticulated hyaluronic acid to erase it discreetly. Then, it massages the product to place it well. Obviously, as this area is quite thin and sensitive, it is not very pleasant. Clench your teeth during the injection, which is brief.

And after? It can have a small localized redness for a few hours, but rarely more.

Result: immediate. The wrinkle disappears as if by magic. However, if there is a break of the dermis, it remains slightly visible even once the hollow of the ride filled.

Price: from 250 euros.

Thanks to Drs Marie-Thérèse Bousquet, Alain Butnaru and Laurent Mirallès, aesthetic doctors, Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist, Eric Auclair and Stéphane Guichard, plastic surgeons, Valérie Leduc, lasériste, and to Béatrice Braun, Paula Magnier and Clarins for their precious advices .

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline: tips to be at the top

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : does sleeping with a bra preserve the beauty of the breasts?
A priori, it is not a good idea, except after an intervention, because to support them twenty-four hours a day does not encourage the muscles to work.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : can we do without a bra when we have small breasts?
It is discussed! But the tremors of everyday life and the law of gravity may eventually pull them down, better to wear one at least once in a while. And systematically to play sports.

Aesthetic medicine of the neckline : do the breast prostheses feel to the touch?
New generation prostheses, in cohesive silicone gel, very close to the consistency of the mammary gland, are very natural to the touch.

Cosmetic medicine of the neckline : is the hull risk important?
It is becoming increasingly rare (it is less than 2%) thanks to the micro-granular envelope that limits intolerance reactions to a foreign body.