- Dish Flat
- Family
- 320 kcal
- No
- Easy
- 20 euros approx
- 4
- No
- 20 min
- 2 5 min
- 1 h
- Not specified
- Not specified
1 board 1 knife
1 garlic press
1 saucepan
1 colander
1 wok (or 1 large jumper)
Beef with crunchy vegetables
At least 1 h 20 before serving: cut the fillet into strips at least 2 cm thick. Put them in a bowl with lemon juice, chopped shallots, tarragon, chilli, squeezed garlic, oil. Let stand at least 1 hour.
During this time: heat water in the pan. Cut carrots and peppers into sticks. Immerse the carrot in the boiling water, cook 1 min. Add the pepper, boil 1 min. Cool in the colander under the tap.
5 min before serving: heat the wok over high heat. Throw in the net and marinade, grasp 2-3 minutes, stirring often. Add carrot and pepper, cook 2 minutes stirring. Salt, pepper with the mill, sow the leafy thyme. Enjoy.
Beef . The quality of this dish depends on that of the beef. We preferred beef from Chalosse (in the Landes), holder of the Red Label since 1991, produced by 380 breeders only and distributed by 74 labeled butchers, accompanied by its certificate of origin to be exhibited in the store. List of butcher shops: www.qualitelandes.com/qualitelandes-bouchers.pdf

Complete. For a more energetic dish, accompany with plain polenta.