In the "Fitzpatrick classification", the phototype VI is for people with extremely dark or black skin. This way of measuring counts 7 phototypes, from the lightest skins (phototype I - and 0 for the albino people) to the darker skins (phototype VI). We make an update on this phototype with Elisa Simonpietri.

Phototype VI: how to recognize it?

In general, recognizing oneself in phototype VI does not pose a problem for the people concerned. The characteristics of this phototype are black skin and black hair, but it also depends on the reactions to the sun, as specified by Elisa Simonpietri. On the other hand, Metis skins most often belong to the phototype V, also called "Mediterranean phototype".

"The skins belonging to the phototype VI take sunburns only exceptionally, and these are not very visible," explains Elisa Simonpietri. "These skins do not burn because they naturally have a strong protection thanks to the high melanin they produce. Nevertheless, they must protect themselves! ". There are indeed solar protections for dark skin .

UV protection of black skin

According to Elisa Simonpietri, phototypes at extremes, such as phototypes I, do not pose the question and protect themselves. This is less obvious for dark skin. "Knowing your phototype allows you to better adapt your protection and better protect yourself. It differs the aging of the skin , too, "she says.

During a moderate exposure (a short outing, a lunch ...), the phototypes VI (and V) can be content with a protection SPF 15. For a high exposure (walk, sporting activity outside), that is enough also.

On the other hand, for extreme exposure (holidays in the tropics or at altitude), black skins must protect themselves with sun protection between 15 and 25.

The general recommendations are also valid for the phototype VI: "we avoid the sun between 12h and 16h and we wear glasses and hat," advises Elisa Simonpietri. "Even a phototype VI can have skin cancer! In addition, we must not forget the impact of the sun on the aging of the skin. A good reason to protect yourself with the right sun protection factor, adapted to your skin type, whatever your skin color.