The young woman grew up in Natal, the seaside destination of the country. The daily life of his skin? A blazing sun, summer and winter. Parisienne for four years, she had to adapt her solar routine.

The cult of tanning

"I go back home at least once a year, in my country, the beach is more than just a hobby, it's a religion, a way of life, and on Sunday, we go on a family trip. lunch, we play sports, in short, we live beach!

Our skin is accustomed, from childhood, to a constant dose of sun, and we bronze in spite of ourselves. I think mine has logically adapted, it is like "immune": I never take sunburn , even after a long period under the gray Parisian.

In Brazil, tanning is a real aesthetic quest : we like to show our bodies perfectly golden, satin, perfectly curved, all round sensual. And sunscreens are a tool to achieve this. We "slice" to protect ourselves, but especially to have a beautiful skin that reveals the marks of the bikini. "

No UV prescription

"The day before going to the beach, I completely erase the body.

Once there, I recover the cream almost continuously: a tube makes me the week, no more. My usual combination is a SPF30 anti-aging facial, with hat and sunglasses, combined with a spray or oil on the body oscillating between SPF6 and 15. I like oils because they really make a pretty skin.

Returning, the shower ritual is always the same: I wash with an oil that is found in all Brazilian bathrooms that brings me flexibility and hydration of the body .

Once the heat has fallen, around 18 hours, I use a fresh and light milk, maracujá (passion fruit) or pitanga, very Brazilian scents.

On the face, I put my usual cream, because the specific care after sun is not widespread in my country.

For my hair, as I bathe a lot, I wash them every night. I then apply a lichette of cocoa butter, shea butter or chestnut oil, it depends on the days. And I leave a refreshing mask three times a week. "

The opinion of dermato

"Deborah protects herself rather well and takes care of her face," says Dr. Philippe Deshayes, scientific consultant for L'Oréal Active Cosmetics, which is unfortunately not always the case in people who have easy tanning.

Beware of misconceptions

However, I "tick" on this idea of ​​being immune to the sun. Like anyone who grew up in a country with strong sunshine, his skin keeps a "memory tropicalization": it houses a greater number of melanocytes and they work faster than those of a person who grew up in a place where the sun is rare.

But we must know that if she stays several years without going to Brazil, this memory will fade and she may take sunburn. Nothing is acquired for life, so beware of bad surprises! "

Sun protection: what can be stung

Its reflex of protection continues with a particular care for the face, as well as the mask for the hair three times a week. An effective anti-dry ritual for hair naturally devoid of hydration.

And if, like her, this summer, we swapped our good old shower gel against a highly nourishing washing oil?