Mary was born in New York. His skin is used to cold winters and scorching summers. She has only been living in Paris for a long time and has kept some typically American solar habits to protect her phototype II (chestnut hair and fair skin).

The trend of "City blocks"

"The United States is the country of all excesses: before, you had to tan a maximum, today it's the opposite, and even on the west coast it's fashionable to stay white, the image of Emma Stone, Kirsten Dunst or Julianne Moore Summer in New York is hot, humid and very sunny.

Like all the women in this city, I used products with a high SPF, the famous city blocks, and I used them all year round, even in winter.

I keep the same routine in Paris and, on holiday in the South, I adopt the reflexes I had on the beaches of the Hamptons. "

His anti-UV prescription

"As soon as there is sun, I use a SPF 40 or 50 on my face, my cleavage and my hands On my legs too white, I start with a self-tanner that acts during the night and then a sunscreen protection 30 the next day.

When I go to the beach, I wear a big hat, loose cotton voile clothes and avoid exposure. If I bathe, I put an SPF50 and a care stain. In the evening, I apply a soothing after-sun.
I also protect my hair with a sun oil, I use an antisel shampoo every night and, three to four times a week, I make a nourishing hair mask. "

The opinion of dermato

"Mary's routine is perfect," says Dr. Joëlle Sebaoun, "for example, it is good to protect yourself with a daily SPF 25 if you live in Paris." But when there is sun, for car trips and the lunches on the terrace, I recommend the screens 40 to 50 on the face, the décolleté and the back of the hands.

And even in the winter, it's a good idea to use 15-20 clues against UVA, which is so aggressive to the skin.

If you are worried about not synthesizing vitamin D , ask your doctor for a dosage and, in case of deficiency, he will prescribe it in the form of ampoules. "

What can be stung ...

The sun protection indexes 15 to 25 it puts all year round and the anti-UV 30, 40 or 50 on the beach, not to mention the applications every two hours.

The nourishing hair mask to do at least once a week, solar oil before going to the beach to avoid the hair "thatched roof" at the end of the holidays, and its antisel shampoo , antichore.