Hilary Duff increases security measures on her property.

The 29-year-old singer and actress was on vacation in Canada when strangers broke into her house in Beverly Hills. A spokesman for MailOnline said: "This is a scary and exciting situation for everyone, but Hilary is grateful that her family, staff, home and pets are all safe. Despite this, she has a strong security team, that this incident will be resolved and security measures taken in the future. "

The thieves apparently did not raise an alarm when they broke in. According to reports from 'TMZ', they were able to collect several thousand dollars' worth of jewels. The burglars may have chosen the actress's house because she was on vacation, as her Instagram photos showed. But Hilary isn't the only star to have been dealing with unwanted intruders lately: Kendall Jenner was also recently the victim of a burglary, stealing $ 200,000 worth of items. The model left his house at lunchtime and returned around eight in the evening. It was only after midnight that Kendall reported the incident after entering her bedroom and noticing the break-in.