Not really easy to come back to the office after cracking in the sun for several weeks. So if in addition, our tan fades quickly V ...

In addition to body oils that prevent us from peeling and extra-gentle scrubs to remove dead cells, the diet is also a solution to prolong its tan. You just have to focus on the right nutrients.

  • Mango, fruity ally of summer

Mango contains many natural dyes called beta-carotenes. Consume regularly, these antioxidants deliver a nice tan while protecting us from skin aging .

In case of a dip, we do not hesitate to replace our traditional cereal bar with pieces of mango, on average five times less calories (60 calories / 100g against approximately 350 calories / 100g).

  • Carrots, favorite vegetables for tanned skin

Like mangos, carrots have a real good-looking effect. Rich in carotenoids, they protect the skin from the annoyances of the sun and have almost the same benefits. For its impact to be visible to the naked eye, however, it must eat two per day. And if we pay attention to its line, we consume them raw: they will bring us less fast carbohydrates than cooked carrots.

On the other hand, if you are not really a fan of mango and carrots, beta-carotene is found in many other foods.

The solution to recognize them? We trust their color: the more they are orange, the more they are gorged. To us melon, apricots, peaches, nectarines ...

  • Dietary supplements, sun concentrates

Food supplements can also be a very good option for prolonging tanning, without damaging the epidermis. They are usually rich in vitamin E, carotenoids, selenium and lycopene.

In short, they are excellent condensed substances good for the skin.

How to use them? It is advisable to take one to two capsules a day one month before the exhibition, to continue the cure during our holidays and 15 days after our return. If we have not had recourse so far, do not worry, it's not too late.