What is the lymph?
Traffic disorders and consequences
Boost the lymphatic network
Treat your diet
Lymphedema: the cure of miracles
Good gestures

What is the lymph?

The lymph is a kind of translucent fluid from blood circulating in a network parallel to the veins: the lymphatic system . It is found throughout the body, except in the brain! On the path of the lymphatic vessels , especially the elbows, groin, abdomen, chest, neck and armpits, are the lymph nodes . Their mission: filter the lymph and eliminate bacteria , viruses and other foreign substances that may be present. The spleen, bone marrow, tonsils and thymus also act as filters and serve as stores for storing our defense cells: the lymphocytes . Not having the heart to perform the role of pump, unlike blood, it takes a full day to the lymph to go around the body. Hence the expression "lymphatic" to describe someone as slow.

What is it for ?

It is in the lymphatic system that white blood cells are found. These soldiers of immunity are able to recognize the microbes already encountered and thus to give the alert more quickly. Other white blood cells, macrophagocytes , are responsible for capturing and digesting these microbes. The lymphatic network thus plays a key role in our immunity by transporting the defense cells to the site of a microbial invasion. But there are other substances in the lymph, such as fats, toxins, large protein molecules that the body wants to get rid of. Alone, the lymph evacuates 75% of the waste of our cells . It also has a role of "garbage man".

Traffic disorders and consequences

Each day, about 8 liters of water come out of the veins, wash the cells and are then reabsorbed 90% by the veins and 10% by the lymphatic vessels . This daily washing movement assumes a perfect balance. Hormonal imbalance or inflammation makes the capillaries too permeable. As a result, waste passes into the lymphatic system , accumulates there, and drainage becomes insufficient. Heredity can explain a slower circulation.

In case of venous insufficiency , the lymphatic system takes care of the evacuation of the water which circulates in the veins, which leads quickly to a saturation of the system. Water accumulates and stagnates: we speak of diffuse water retention . With, as a consequence, the formation of cellulite . When the retention of water becomes visible to the naked eye and is reflected by the sign of the "bucket" (when pressing a zone, a bucket-shaped hollow persists for a few seconds), it is called lymphatic edema . It can evolve by pushing.

First, we wake up with swollen eyelids, then, at the end of the day, or when we stay up too long, we have swollen feet and ankles. It is then aggravated by successive outbreaks triggered by heat exposures, hormonal changes and long flights. "It is of interest to treat lymphatic edema , otherwise, over the years, it becomes more voluminous," warns Dr. Blanchemaison , phlebologist . We lose sight of the bone of his wrist or ankle depending on the location of the edema. Finally, in case of prolonged stagnation of the lymph, the vessels are compressed and may become inflamed: it is lymphangitis , very painful, and often accompanied by fever. This is often the case with mothers when they stop breastfeeding too hard.

Boost the lymphatic network

The idea is to revive the circulation. In case of significant water retention associated with edema, conventional treatment combines compression, manual lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy .

Contention is the basic treatment to prevent swelling and restart the lymphatic microcirculation . The stockings and tights must exert a degressive pressure from the ankle to the thigh. Today, we find effective and pretty pretty contentions. We recommend Lymphologics Lympho'Styl® legs-in (78.95 euros, in pharmacy) that combine a restraint with small internal pins for dynamic self-massage. To use daily for a pure moment of fashion well-being. Aesthetics, the range of Veinostim plays the card of seduction with sewing stockings or fishnet as elegant as the classic versions, the effectiveness of the medical contention in addition (52 euros, in pharmacy).

Manual lymphatic drainage . Developed in 1933 by Dr. Vodder , this is the method of reference. The physiotherapist performs circle and spiral movements to evacuate lymphatic fluid to the lymph nodes , resulting in some of the waste. One session lasts about 40 minutes. Lymphatic drainage can focus on the face with spectacular results: the complexion is brighter, the eyelids are less swollen and the chin is less thick.

Its limits: this passive drainage does not act on the postural muscles of the legs, hence a transitory improvement, limited in time.

Where: at physiotherapists , for drainage for medical purposes, and in some beauty salons that offer slimming treatments.

Lymphatic drainage

Active drainage involving the postural muscles of the legs for longer-term effectiveness. It is no longer the hand of the therapist who activates on a passive patient but the patient himself who works in swimming pool in water heated to 30 ° C. The protocol combines a 10-minute session of water gymnastics with a 15-minute pedaling session on an aquatic bicycle, all facing underwater jets.

Its limits: the places to practice can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Where: at the Sextius Baths in Aix-en-Provence (rens .: 04 42 23 81 82) or at the Institut Cellulite Aquagym (on www.institut-cellulite-aquagym.com ).


This technique of mechanical and pneumatic draining alternates compression and decompression of boots, sleeves or belt. The pressure is gentle, the circulation is activated and toxins are better eliminated. We feel a sensation of immediate lightness.

Its limits: for tangible results, the sessions must be regular and close. Count 12 to 15 sessions, then regular reminders.

Where: in most thalassotherapy centers (cures heavy legs), in the beauty salons Juventhéra (rens .: 01 53 32 85 70) or those equipped with BodySculptor (rens .: 01 40 07 59 50), and in some physios.

Treat your diet

"There is a diet that can improve venous and lymphatic circulation , fight against water retention and capillary permeability," says Dr. Blanchemaison . Some foods are beneficial, others will aggravate existing weaknesses. Red fruits , blackcurrants and blueberries, rich in vitamin P, which reduces capillary permeability, are abused. Citrus citrus fruits contain an active substance on water retention: diosmin . Finally, vitamin E and selenium have a protective effect on venous walls (in avocados, nuts, almonds and cold-water fish). At the same time, over-salty and sugary foods that act as sponges will be limited, sucking and retaining water. Beware of industrial dishes (pizzas, soups) and refined sugars (white breads, pastries) that help to stiffen the collagen fibers and trapping water and fat in a net, which gives the appearance "skin orange. " And we do not forget to feed the muscle, it is the best natural restraint. The more it is toned, the more it facilitates venous and lymphatic return. On the menu, natural proteins: red meat, fish, eggs, ham, poultry, cheese and dairy products.

Lymphedema: the cure of miracles

It had been years since I had seen the bone of my wrist! "This small sentence of a young woman with lymphedema of the arm says a lot about the benefits of a spa treatment. At the Thermes de Luz-Saint-Sauveur, a special program was developed for arm lymphoedema , which affects about 10% of patients who have had their breast removed (and lymph nodes after cancer). "Classic treatments, like massage, are not suitable. Only manual lymphatic drainage and restraint promote the return of the lymph, explains Sylvie Hèches , the energetic director of the Thermes. As the waters of Luz-Saint-Sauveur have anti-inflammatory properties , the immersion of the edema in the water reinforces their action. "

Here, everything has been thought out so that the curist learns to make gestures that reduce his edema . For this purpose, the lifeguard - trained by an angiologist - offers 3 weekly water aerobics sessions with specific movements to reduce the lymphedema of the arm (other sessions are devoted to lymphoedema of the leg). A dietician gives a lecture, because any overweight will aggravate an already failing lymphatic return. And the physiotherapist offers workshops where each woman learns to achieve its contention, in order to gain autonomy. Anxious to further improve the cure, the director told us to be in contact with manufacturers of bandages and sleeves so that they lend equipment that curists can try. So many little touches that, in addition to the classic treatment, really make service.

There are two places in France where lymphedema of the arm is treated ...

Spa of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , av. Imp.-Eugenie, 65120 Luz-Saint-Sauveur. Phone: 05 62 92 81 58.

Thermes d'Argeles-Gazost , rue A.-Hebrard, 65400 Argeles-Gazost. Phone: 05 62 97 03 24.

Good gestures

Pass the legs under cold water , emphasizing the ankles, the popliteal fossa (behind the knee), the groin.

Massage your legs like the pros from the ankles to the thighs. We begin with call maneuvers: press the ankles with the flat of both hands, then go up six inches without rubbing and start again. Then, perform effleurages in small circular motions, always from bottom to top.

We avoid

The energetic friction with the horsehair glove which never brought anything except an aggravation of the fragility of the capillaries.

Excessive sedentary lifestyle , trampling, prolonged standing stations.

Baths too hot and exposure to heat.

Clothes, rings, bracelets too tight.

Good shots anti-glare

Patches . The application of decongestant herbal patches (chamomile, arnica, green tea) can deflate temporarily heavy eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Our favorites: Klorane, Clinic.

The plants . A birch cure to improve the circulation of lymph, black radish to facilitate the elimination of waste by increasing the activity of the liver and gallbladder, and quackgrass to facilitate the disposal of waste by the kidneys. These plants can be taken separately or in the form of ready-to-use preparations.

Our favorites: Arkopharma Detox Phytofluid, Superdiet DigiaFlorida, Elusanes Black Radish, Weleda Birch Juice.