In the context of the school
The external speakers
In solo, places of information, advice
The exhibition where they can take you
Books on sexuality
Messages to be sent

In the context of the school

National Education: three annual sessions on sexuality education in secondary and high schools are provided for in the official texts. They are provided by doctors, school nurses or teachers of biology. The establishment and effectiveness of the system is uneven, according to the Academies. Most are often limited to biological considerations (reproduction, fertilization ...), contraception and STDs . National Education is aware that it can do better and it works!

It is also possible, through parent associations , to encourage teachers to organize sex education sessions . Information at the GNIES (National Information and Sex Education Group), a group of parents, teachers and school nurses.Contact: Dr Marie-Lucie Gosselin, [email protected]

The external speakers

Several associations do remarkable work, at the request of the heads of establishments ...

SESAME , to take into account also the emotional side. This association of affective and sexual education in public and private colleges and lycées is approved by the National Education. During the sessions, the speakers answer the physiological , technical and relational questions that the pupils asked anonymously in writing. They lead them to think and debate on how and why we make love, about self-knowledge, on the other ... Sessions throughout France, on request at 04 74 03 41 89. And on

CRIPS , for the elderly. The Regional Center for AIDS Information and Prevention intervenes in high schools, on the same principle of anonymous questions, in the prevention of STDs , contraception and sex life . The facilitators try to dissociate sex and danger , and to talk about it in a positive way, evoking the notions of desire and pleasure . 13 CRIPS in France including 1 in Paris.
Tel: 01 56 80 33 33. And on

In solo, places of information, advice

The CRIPS also welcomes teenagers free of charge in individual interviews, for advice on prevention and information on sexuality . On the spot are excellent booklets designed for 15-18 year olds: "Teen questions", "Emergency contraception", "Guide of the female body and the male body ", " IST " ... 13 CRIPS in France, including 1 in Paris. Tel: 01 56 80 33 33. And on

Free anonymous advice by telephone with Fil Santé Jeunes. Rens .: 0800 235 236 and on

Contraception: Useful Address
In planning and family education centers , individualized interviews on contraceptive methods , prescription of the emergency pill ... 0800 803 803 and

The exhibition where they can take you

"Sexual Zizi the Expo! " , Inspired by the famous comic book by Titeuf , Zep and Hélène Bruller's Guide to Sexual Zizi (Glénat eds): a playful , humorous and truculent journey , while being scientifically documented, very pedagogical and full of values ​​( respect for others , prevention of pedophilia, etc.). It explains to the 9-14 years, without taboos or complexes , all the aspects of the sexuality , of the "wringer with tongues" to practice the French kiss by puppets interposed to the mechanism of the "zizi-piquet", passannt by the "amourometer" to measure the intensity of his feelings or the Fresco of Love, with all the details tastyly drawn by Zep.
City of Science and Industry of La Villette, Paris 18th. Information and reservations on 08 92 69 70 72 and .

Books on sexuality

For 14-17 year olds
The boys (somewhat) explained to the girls, the girls (somewhat) explained to the boys, by Bernadette Costa-Prades, ed. Albin Michel, 13 euros.
First Love Feelings and First Sexual Experiences, by Anne Vaisman, ed. by La Martinière Jeunesse, coll. Hydrogen, 11 euros.

For 10-13 years old
They love each other. Sentiment amoureux et sexualité, by Françoise de Guilbert and Delphine Pontégnier, ed. Otherwise Junior, 9 euros.
60 questions around puberty, by Brigitte Bègue, ed. of La Martinière Jeunesse, 11 euros.

Books for you
Love is great but ... 60 teen questions about sex and love, and how to answer it from Denise Stagnara, ed. Dunod, 14.50 euros.
Talking about sexuality to adolescents, an education in emotional and sexual life, by Nicole Athéa (doctor at CRIPS), ed. Eyrolles, 19 euros.

Messages to be sent

Respect . Everyone does what he wants in terms of sexuality , since it does not harm the other, respects it and respects itself. Forcing someone to rape is an act punishable by law.

Love and desire . A meeting is never that physical, it is also relational, emotional, even if one is not in love. But if desire and love are associated, it's even more awesome!

Responsibility . The tools of prevention ( condoms , pills , appointments with the gynecologist ) must be within their reach.