Signature treatments designed as an odyssey, the quest for a new harmony of body, mind and soul.

Developed by specialists of the traditional Chinese method and experts in aromatherapy , each "Signature" treatment of the Spa consists of combining an ultra relaxing modeling with a deep work on the energy lines, by way of the personalized composition of the care with oils created exclusively for Mandarin Oriental.

Each treatment begins with a personal interview (and which will remain private) to determine your physical disposition and your state of mind. From this assessment will depend the continuation of your care which is seen as a holistic experience during 2H20 of modeling absolutely incredible :

It all starts with a Tian Quan treatment, a bath inherited from the Chinese tradition, followed by a shower-hammam designed to prepare your body and your mind.
You immediately unhook and as "detached from the rest of your body" you totally revert to expert hands and firm (on demand) masseuses therapists.

Once the modeling is finished, you return to the reality in stages, all smoothly, such as the pastry signed by Chef Thierry Marx who is waiting for you with a refreshing drink when you dress.

At the exit of what advice of physical exercise and nutritional are you lavished to prolong the benefits of the care.
A care at once conceived as a cocoon of sweetness and whose benefits must endure long after, a kind of initiation to well-being.

Treatment of 2 h20, price: 370 euros
33 (0) 1 70 98 73 35
E-mail: [email protected]