I warm up
Exo Pilates: The "100", hundred for purists, activates blood circulation and can work the transverse, the muscles on each side of the belly.
I'm all good: lying on your back, arms along your body, legs stretched vertically. I take off my head and shoulders off the ground. With my arms at the hips, I make small beats in the vacuum.
At what pace? 5 beats on inspiration, 5 others on expiration , all repeated 10 times.
I relax my back and strengthen my abs
The exo of Pilates: The "Roll Up" , based on wrapping and unwinding of the spine , awakens the joints and stimulates deep muscles of the abdominal belt .
I'm all right: lying on my back, I take off head and shoulders from the ground forward while inhaling. Exhaling, back round, I slide until my arms are parallel to my legs, the hands closest to the feet. I inhale and I breathe out by returning to the starting position .
At what pace? 5 times.
I lifted the inside of the thighs
The exo of Pilates: The "Inner Thigh Lift" which solicits the adductors , the -muscles located inside the thighs .
I have all good: lying on the right side, head resting on the arm extended in the extension of the body, the other at rest, I bend the left knee, foot resting on the ground. As I breathe out, I lift my right leg, my foot flexed, and I exhale as I descend.
At what pace? 8 times on each side.
Thanks to Thibaut Tran Van Tuat, a Pilates and Yoga teacher at Club Med Gym. www.clubmedgym.com