If this anti-aging method is not new, it seems to make more and more followers. Far from being common to clay masks or bio-cellulosis masks, this one really presents itself as a luminous mask, in every sense of the word! Based on LED bulbs, this mask would slow down the aging of the skin, and this significantly.

Okay, okay, at first glance, it's pretty scary. Yet this mask seems to be able to fight wrinkles thanks to red LEDs, acne thanks to blue LEDs and even hyperpigmentation thanks to green LEDs. The use of yellow LEDs would enable the production of collagen and elastin. A process which is not a priori dangerous since the LED bulbs contain no ultraviolet.

If these anti-aging masks are currently more popular in the United States than in Europe, it is still possible to get them on the internet. Meanwhile, one never tires of contemplating Jessica Alba, to whom the disguise of Woman with the mask of ampoules is going to delight!